Ski Touring
Kyrgyzstan is the new ski Eldorado.
Program :
Day 1 : Fly Kyrghizstan
Day 2 : aéroport Bishkek. Transfert hôtel. Rest and discovery of kirghiz capital. Night in hôtel or guest house.
Day 3 : Transfer Karakol région . Along the Issyk Koul lake , second bigest altitude lake in the world. Go to our yurt camp, by ski or snowmobile. Night in our yurt camp. Transfert 6h
Day 4-6 : Free ski rando. Night in yurt camp
day 7 : Transfert the second free ski site. Night dans notre camp ou guest house. Transfert 1h30
day 8-9 : Free ski .
Back to the kirghiz capital . Night at l’hôtel.
Day 10 : Fly back to Europe
This program could be change in case of snow and weather conditions.
Informations :
Freerando :
between 2500 et 4 000 meters. ~700 – 1 200 m
Transferts :
Transport mini bus.
Lodge : Hôtel or guest house in Bishkek, yurts camp et en Guest house on the field.
Restauration: Full pension except Bishkek
Yurt camps : Accessible by ski or snowmobile
– capacity 16 people, warm, confortable.
– Sauna, Swedish jaccuzi
– Food preparation by our cook
– radio contact during the ski random with the camp
– itinéraires advises
Guest House :
double room
Restauration :
cook prepare breakfast , lunch, dinner
Team : a person whois speaking English or French
Formality : Passeport, no need visa
Equipement : same han in Europe
– Insurance:
Weather :
Nights are cold ( – 10 / – 25 degrés) depending of the period
Périod of tours :
mi décember – mi april
Le som.
Price :
Base 4-5 people : 1 100 euros / person
Base 6-7 people : 1 020 euros / person
Base 8 people : 950 euros / person
Included in the price:
- Organization
Transport from the airport back to the airport
Food except in Bishkek
Lodge(yourtes and guest house. Hôtel Bishkek or Guest House.
French or English speaking guide
Permis de zone écologique
- not included :
Personal drinks …
tip to the local team
Fly Europe- Kirghizie ( ~ 400 euros)
– Snowmobile: 50 euros / heure
– Guide ( 250 /300 euros / day)
Fly :
– Aéroflot, Turkish Airlines, Cost ~ 400 / 500 €